I first worked with Matt as customers service manager at the job centre in Wolverhampton. Matt was always very customer focused and always trying to do his best for the customer. He was always rushing to be some where time was of a premium. Dropping off the kids at various school and child minders then rushing into work. One day Matt came rushing into work a little late dropping his coat over a desk and as you say hit the floor running . After an hour the mad rush of customers was subsiding and I looked at Matt he hadn't stopped since he rushed in . On closer inspection I noticed Matt had one brown shoe and one black shoe on . I drew his attention to this and he laughed. I know he said but i was late and i couldn't find a pair that matched so i came to work any way. At lunch tome he went hone and returned later in the same shoes as he still couldn't find a matching pair. We laughed that day. But he didn't care his customers needed him.
Memories of Matt